God is doing a new thing in my life

What an exciting and hopeful statement! It sounds like you're experiencing a sense of renewal and transformation in your life, and that's truly amazing.

When we say that God is doing a new thing in our lives, it can mean many things. It might be a fresh start, a new opportunity, a change in perspective, or a breakthrough in a challenging area. Whatever it is, it's a reminder that God is always at work, even when we can't see it or feel it.

Here are a few questions to help you reflect on what this new thing might look like in your life:

  1. What specific areas of your life do you feel like God is stirring up or changing?
  2. Are there any new opportunities or challenges that you're facing, and how do you think God might be using them for your growth?
  3. What kind of "new thing" are you hoping to see in your life? Is it a sense of purpose, a deeper connection with God, or something else?
  4. How can you intentionally seek God's guidance and wisdom as you navigate this new season?

Remember that God is always faithful and trustworthy, even when we don't understand what's happening. He is the God of new beginnings, and He delights in surprising us with His goodness and love.

What are your thoughts on this new thing that God is doing in your life? I'm here to listen and pray with you!