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It seems like you're looking for the latest transfer news and live updates from Chelsea FC!

Here are some reliable sources to get you the latest updates:

  1. Goal.com: You can visit Goal.com's Chelsea FC page for the latest transfer news, rumors, and updates. They have a dedicated team that provides live coverage of all the latest developments.
  2. Chelsea FC Official Website: The official Chelsea FC website is a great source for all the latest news, including transfer updates. You can also sign up for their newsletter to get the latest news delivered straight to your inbox.
  3. Sky Sports: Sky Sports is a popular sports news outlet that provides live coverage of all the latest transfer news and updates. They have a dedicated Chelsea FC page that you can follow for the latest news.
  4. BBC Sport: The BBC Sport website is another reliable source for all the latest transfer news and updates. They have a dedicated Chelsea FC page that you can follow for the latest news.
  5. Transfermarkt: Transfermarkt is a popular website that provides live transfer news and updates. They have a dedicated Chelsea FC page that you can follow for the latest news.

Some popular transfer news sources on Twitter include:

  1. @Goal
  2. @ChelseaFC
  3. @SkySports
  4. @BBCSport
  5. @Transfermarkt

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources you're following to ensure you're getting accurate and reliable information.