Goal.com news archive1

Goal.com is a popular sports news website that provides coverage of football (soccer) news, scores, and highlights. Their news archive is a treasure trove of information, and I can help you access it. Here's how:

Method 1: Goal.com's News Archive

  1. Visit Goal.com and click on the "News" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "News Archive" in the footer section.
  3. You'll be taken to a page with a calendar view of news articles from the past few years.
  4. Use the calendar to navigate to the specific date or month you're interested in.
  5. Click on the date or month to access the news articles from that period.

Method 2: Google Search

  1. Go to Google and type in the following search query: site:goal.com "news archive" [specific date or month]
  2. Replace [specific date or month] with the date or month you're interested in (e.g., "2020-02" or "January 2020").
  3. Press Enter to search.
  4. Google will return a list of news articles from Goal.com that match your search query.
  5. You can filter the results by date, relevance, or other criteria to find the most relevant articles.

Tips and Variations

I hope this helps you access the Goal.com news archive!