Gnabry has no limitations but how much does he want to suffer wenger reveals arsenal concerns over bayern star

It seems like you're referencing a news article or a quote from Arsène Wenger, the former manager of Arsenal FC. The quote suggests that Wenger has concerns about Serge Gnabry's willingness to suffer or put in the hard work required to succeed at the highest level.

The quote is likely referring to the fact that Gnabry has been playing for Bayern Munich, one of the top teams in the world, and has been enjoying a lot of success. Wenger may be suggesting that Gnabry has become complacent or comfortable with his current level of success, and may not be willing to put in the extra effort required to take his game to the next level.

It's worth noting that Wenger has a reputation for being a demanding and intense coach, so it's possible that he is simply trying to motivate Gnabry to work harder and reach his full potential. However, it's also possible that Wenger is genuinely concerned about Gnabry's attitude and work ethic.

It's also important to note that Gnabry has been playing for Bayern Munich for several years now, and has been a key player for the team. He has also been a regular for the German national team, and has won numerous titles and individual awards. So, it's possible that Wenger's concerns are unfounded, and that Gnabry is simply enjoying the fruits of his labor after years of hard work and dedication.