Gma news about drugs

Here are some recent news articles from GMA News about drugs:

Latest News

  1. PDEA seizes P1.4B worth of shabu in Manila raid (March 2023) - The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has seized over P1.4 billion worth of shabu (methamphetamine) in a raid in Manila, one of the biggest drug busts in the country's history.
  2. DOH reports 12,000 drug-related deaths in 2022 (February 2023) - The Department of Health (DOH) has reported that there were 12,000 drug-related deaths in the Philippines in 2022, a significant increase from the previous year.
  3. PDEA nabs 14 drug suspects in Quezon City (January 2023) - The PDEA has arrested 14 drug suspects in a raid in Quezon City, seizing various illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia.

Recent Investigations

  1. The drug trade in the Philippines: A GMA News investigation (December 2022) - GMA News conducted an investigation into the drug trade in the Philippines, revealing the extent of the problem and the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in combating it.
  2. The rise of shabu in the Philippines: A GMA News special report (November 2022) - GMA News produced a special report on the rise of shabu in the Philippines, exploring the causes and consequences of the drug problem.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. The war on drugs: A flawed strategy (February 2023) - A GMA News columnist argues that the government's war on drugs is a flawed strategy that has led to human rights abuses and has not effectively addressed the root causes of the drug problem.
  2. The need for a comprehensive approach to drug addiction (January 2023) - A GMA News columnist argues that the government needs to adopt a comprehensive approach to drug addiction, including treatment and rehabilitation programs, to address the problem effectively.

Other News

  1. PDEA launches anti-drug campaign in schools (March 2023) - The PDEA has launched an anti-drug campaign in schools across the country, aiming to educate students about the dangers of drug use and prevent drug addiction.
  2. DOH launches drug treatment program for prisoners (February 2023) - The DOH has launched a drug treatment program for prisoners, aiming to help them overcome their addiction and reintegrate into society after their release.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and investigations published by GMA News about drugs in the Philippines.