Global stocks up as nervous markets wager on clinton winning white house race

I think I see what's going on here!

It looks like you're referencing a news article or market analysis from 2016, when Hillary Clinton was running for President against Donald Trump. The article is likely discussing the impact of the presidential election on global stock markets.

In the days leading up to the election, many investors were worried about the potential outcome and its implications for the economy and markets. As a result, stock markets around the world were experiencing volatility, with some investors seeking safe-haven assets like bonds and gold.

The article you're referencing is likely saying that, in the days leading up to the election, global stocks were rising as investors began to bet on a Clinton victory. This was because many investors believed that a Clinton presidency would be more favorable to the economy and markets, given her experience in government and her policy proposals.

Of course, we all know what happened next - Donald Trump won the election, and the markets responded accordingly. But at the time, the uncertainty surrounding the outcome was causing a lot of anxiety among investors, and the article is likely reflecting that sentiment.

I hope that helps clarify things!