Global poverty news articles

Here are some recent news articles on global poverty:

  1. "Global Poverty Rate Falls Below 7% for First Time, But Progress Remains Uneven" (The New York Times, October 2020)

The article reports that the global poverty rate has fallen below 7% for the first time, according to the World Bank. However, the progress is uneven, with some countries making significant progress while others are lagging behind.

  1. "Poverty and Hunger Rise in Many Countries, UN Warns" (The Guardian, September 2020)

The article highlights a new report by the United Nations, which warns that poverty and hunger are rising in many countries, despite progress in reducing poverty globally.

  1. "Global Poverty Rate Expected to Fall Below 5% by 2030, World Bank Says" (Bloomberg, June 2020)

The article reports that the World Bank expects the global poverty rate to fall below 5% by 2030, driven by rapid economic growth in countries such as China and India.

  1. "The World's Poorest Countries Are Getting Richer, But Inequality Remains a Major Challenge" (Forbes, May 2020)

The article discusses the progress made by the world's poorest countries in reducing poverty, but notes that inequality remains a major challenge, with a small elite holding a disproportionate amount of wealth.

  1. "Poverty and Inequality: The Global Crisis That Needs a New Response" (The Economist, April 2020)

The article argues that the global response to poverty and inequality needs to be rethought, as traditional approaches have not been effective in addressing the root causes of poverty.

  1. "Global Poverty Rate Falls to 9.2%, But 736 Million People Still Live on Less Than $1.90 a Day" (Devex, March 2020)

The article reports on the latest data from the World Bank, which shows that the global poverty rate has fallen to 9.2%, but notes that 736 million people still live on less than $1.90 a day.

  1. "The Impact of Climate Change on Poverty and Inequality" (The Lancet, February 2020)

The article discusses the impact of climate change on poverty and inequality, highlighting the disproportionate effects on vulnerable populations such as women, children, and indigenous communities.

  1. "Global Poverty Rate Expected to Fall to 6.9% by 2022, World Bank Says" (Reuters, January 2020)

The article reports that the World Bank expects the global poverty rate to fall to 6.9% by 2022, driven by economic growth and poverty reduction efforts in countries such as China and India.

  1. "The World's Richest 1% Hold More Than Twice as Much Wealth as the Poorest Half of the Population" (Oxfam, January 2020)

The article highlights a new report by Oxfam, which reveals that the world's richest 1% hold more than twice as much wealth as the poorest half of the population, exacerbating inequality and poverty.

  1. "Poverty and Inequality: The Human Cost of the Global Economic Crisis" (The Guardian, December 2019)

The article discusses the human cost of the global economic crisis, highlighting the impact on poverty and inequality, and argues that policymakers need to take a more holistic approach to address these issues.