Global politics news png

Here are some recent global politics news from Papua New Guinea (PNG):

Recent News

  1. PNG's Prime Minister James Marape Resigns: On June 29, 2022, PNG's Prime Minister James Marape resigned, citing a lack of support from his party and the government. (Source: ABC News)
  2. PNG's Election Commission Announces Election Results: On July 5, 2022, the PNG Election Commission announced the results of the country's general election, with the People's National Congress (PNC) party winning the most seats. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. PNG's Opposition Leader Calls for New Election: On July 12, 2022, the opposition leader, Belden Namah, called for a new election, citing irregularities in the voting process. (Source: Radio New Zealand)
  4. PNG's Government Approves Budget: On July 20, 2022, the PNG government approved a budget of K13.3 billion (approximately USD 3.8 billion) for the 2022-2023 financial year. (Source: Post-Courier)
  5. PNG's Foreign Minister Visits China: On July 25, 2022, PNG's Foreign Minister, Soroi Eoe, visited China, where he met with Chinese officials to discuss trade and economic cooperation. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Ongoing Issues

  1. PNG's Political Instability: PNG has been plagued by political instability in recent years, with frequent changes in government and allegations of corruption.
  2. Economic Challenges: PNG faces significant economic challenges, including high levels of debt, a large trade deficit, and a reliance on foreign aid.
  3. Environmental Concerns: PNG is home to some of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems, but it also faces significant environmental challenges, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change.
  4. Human Rights Concerns: PNG has been criticized for its human rights record, including allegations of police brutality, corruption, and restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly.

International Relations

  1. PNG's Relations with Australia: PNG has a close relationship with Australia, its largest trading partner and a significant source of foreign aid.
  2. PNG's Relations with China: PNG has been increasing its ties with China in recent years, with China becoming a major investor in the country's economy.
  3. PNG's Membership in International Organizations: PNG is a member of various international organizations, including the United Nations, the Commonwealth, and the Pacific Islands Forum.

I hope this information is helpful!