Global oil price collapse will worsen says citis ed morse

A timely and relevant topic!

According to a recent report by Citigroup's energy strategist, Ed Morse, the global oil price collapse is likely to worsen in the coming months. Here are some key points from the report:

  1. Oil prices to fall further: Morse predicts that Brent crude oil prices will drop to around $30 per barrel by the end of 2020, down from around $40 per barrel currently.
  2. Global demand to decline: The report cites a decline in global oil demand due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to widespread lockdowns, travel restrictions, and reduced economic activity.
  3. Supply glut to persist: Despite OPEC's efforts to cut production, the report expects a persistent supply glut to continue, which will put downward pressure on oil prices.
  4. US shale production to remain high: Morse notes that US shale oil production is likely to remain high, which will continue to put downward pressure on prices.
  5. Global economic uncertainty: The report highlights the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the global economy, which is likely to weigh on oil demand and prices.

Morse's report is not the only one warning of a potential oil price collapse. Other analysts and experts have also expressed similar concerns, citing factors such as:

It's worth noting that oil prices have already fallen significantly since the start of the year, with Brent crude oil prices dropping by around 60% since January. The ongoing pandemic and economic uncertainty have created a perfect storm for oil prices, and it's likely that prices will continue to be volatile in the coming months.