Global christian news

Here are some recent global Christian news stories:


  1. Pope Francis meets with top Orthodox leader: Pope Francis met with Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, the spiritual leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church, in a historic meeting that marked a significant step towards unity between the two churches. (Source: CNN)
  2. Christian persecution on the rise in Nigeria: The Nigerian government has been accused of failing to protect Christians from persecution by Fulani militants, who have killed hundreds of Christians in recent months. (Source: BBC)
  3. Churches destroyed in Ethiopia: At least 20 churches have been destroyed in the Ethiopian city of Gondar, with many more damaged, in a wave of violence that has left hundreds of people displaced. (Source: Al Jazeera)


  1. China's Christian community faces increasing persecution: The Chinese government has stepped up its crackdown on Christianity, with many churches being forced to close and Christians being arrested and detained. (Source: The New York Times)
  2. India's Christians face violence and intimidation: Christians in India have been targeted by Hindu nationalists, with many churches and homes being attacked and Christians being beaten and arrested. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. North Korea's Christians face extreme persecution: Christians in North Korea face extreme persecution, including imprisonment, torture, and even execution, for their faith. (Source: Human Rights Watch)


  1. South Sudan's Christians face violence and displacement: Christians in South Sudan have been caught up in the country's civil war, with many being forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries. (Source: The Christian Post)
  2. Egypt's Christians face increasing persecution: Christians in Egypt have been targeted by Islamic extremists, with many churches and homes being attacked and Christians being killed and injured. (Source: The Washington Post)
  3. Kenya's Christians face violence and intimidation: Christians in Kenya have been targeted by Muslim extremists, with many being killed and injured in attacks on churches and Christian communities. (Source: The Christian Times)


  1. US Christian leaders call for unity and prayer: Christian leaders in the United States have called for unity and prayer in the wake of the country's divisive political climate. (Source: The Christian Post)
  2. Mexico's Christians face violence and displacement: Christians in Mexico have been caught up in the country's drug war, with many being forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in the United States. (Source: The Christian Times)
  3. Brazil's Christians face increasing persecution: Christians in Brazil have been targeted by criminal gangs, with many being killed and injured in attacks on churches and Christian communities. (Source: The Guardian)


  1. UK's Christian community faces decline: The Christian community in the United Kingdom is facing a decline in numbers, with many churches struggling to attract young people. (Source: The Telegraph)
  2. France's Christians face increasing persecution: Christians in France have been targeted by Islamic extremists, with many being killed and injured in attacks on churches and Christian communities. (Source: The Washington Post)
  3. Germany's Christians face increasing secularization: Christians in Germany are facing a decline in numbers, with many young people turning away from the faith. (Source: The Christian Times)

These are just a few examples of the many global Christian news stories that are happening around the world.