Glass cutter with breaker rack

A glass cutter with a breaker rack is a type of glass cutting tool that is designed to make it easier to score and break glass. Here's a breakdown of the components and how they work together:

Glass Cutter: The glass cutter is the main component of the tool. It is a small, handheld device that is used to score the glass. The cutter has a sharp, rotating wheel or blade that is designed to leave a precise, controlled score on the glass.

Breaker Rack: The breaker rack is a metal or plastic rack that is attached to the glass cutter. It is designed to hold the scored glass in place while you apply pressure to break it along the score line. The rack has a series of small notches or teeth that grip the glass, allowing you to apply even pressure and control the breaking process.

How it works:

  1. Score the glass: Hold the glass cutter at a 20-30 degree angle and run it along the line where you want to break the glass. Apply gentle to moderate pressure, depending on the type of glass and the desired score depth.
  2. Place the glass on the breaker rack: Carefully place the scored glass onto the breaker rack, making sure it is aligned with the notches or teeth.
  3. Apply pressure: Hold the glass cutter firmly and apply even pressure to the breaker rack, using your body weight or a gentle twisting motion to break the glass along the score line.
  4. Break the glass: The breaker rack will help to distribute the pressure evenly, allowing you to break the glass cleanly and safely.


Types of glass cutters with breaker racks:

Overall, a glass cutter with a breaker rack is a versatile and useful tool for anyone who needs to cut and break glass regularly.