Give state tax agencies autonomy fowler tells governors

According to a recent article, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, who is also the Chairman of the National Governors Association (NGA), has called on state tax agencies to be given more autonomy in managing their own affairs.

In a letter to his fellow governors, Kemp emphasized the importance of giving state tax agencies the freedom to make decisions about their own operations, rather than being heavily influenced by federal or state governments. He argued that this autonomy would allow tax agencies to be more effective and efficient in their work, and to better serve the needs of taxpayers.

Kemp's proposal is part of a broader effort by the NGA to promote state-led solutions to complex policy issues. By giving state tax agencies more autonomy, Kemp believes that they will be better equipped to address the unique needs and challenges of their own states, rather than being forced to follow a one-size-fits-all approach from Washington or state capitals.

Some of the specific areas where Kemp believes state tax agencies should have more autonomy include:

  1. Setting their own tax rates and policies: Kemp argues that state tax agencies should have the ability to set their own tax rates and policies, rather than being dictated by federal or state governments.
  2. Managing their own budgets: Kemp believes that state tax agencies should have more control over their own budgets, allowing them to make decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize spending.
  3. Hiring and training their own staff: Kemp argues that state tax agencies should have the ability to hire and train their own staff, rather than being forced to follow a centralized hiring and training process.
  4. Making their own decisions about technology and infrastructure: Kemp believes that state tax agencies should have more autonomy in making decisions about technology and infrastructure, allowing them to choose the best solutions for their own needs.

Overall, Kemp's proposal is aimed at promoting greater flexibility and innovation in state tax agencies, and allowing them to better serve the needs of taxpayers.