Giuliani is a leading candidate to be trumps secretary of state source

That's an interesting development! According to various sources, including CNN and The New York Times, Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City Mayor and a close ally of President-elect Donald Trump, is being considered as a leading candidate to become the next Secretary of State.

Giuliani, who has no prior experience in government or diplomacy, has been a vocal supporter of Trump throughout the campaign. His potential nomination has raised eyebrows among some foreign policy experts and lawmakers, who have expressed concerns about his lack of experience in international relations.

However, Trump has praised Giuliani's negotiating skills and his ability to get things done, which could be seen as an asset in the role of Secretary of State. Additionally, Giuliani has been a strong advocate for a tougher stance on terrorism and has been critical of the Obama administration's foreign policy approach.

What do you think about this potential nomination? Do you think Giuliani would be a good fit for the role of Secretary of State, or do you have concerns about his lack of experience in international relations?