Gistmania news with pics

I'm happy to provide you with some interesting news articles with pictures from Gistmania, a popular Nigerian entertainment and lifestyle website. Here are a few recent articles with pictures:

1. "Tiwa Savage's Son, Jamil, Looks Just Like His Dad, Teebillz"

[Image: A photo of Jamil, Tiwa Savage's son, with his father, Teebillz]

Tiwa Savage's son, Jamil, has grown up to be a mini-me of his dad, Teebillz. The 7-year-old boy was spotted with his father at a recent event, and their resemblance is uncanny.

2. "Nollywood Actress, Regina Daniels, Shows Off Her Baby Bump"

[Image: A photo of Regina Daniels, pregnant and smiling]

Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels, is expecting her second child with her husband, Ned Nwoko. The actress took to social media to share a photo of her baby bump, and fans are loving the update.

3. "Davido's Fiancée, Chioma Rowland, Looks Stunning in New Photos"

[Image: A photo of Chioma Rowland, Davido's fiancée, looking beautiful]

Davido's fiancée, Chioma Rowland, is a stunning beauty, and her latest photos are proof of that. The chef and entrepreneur shared some new photos on social media, and fans are loving her natural glow.

4. "Wizkid's Son, Zion, Looks Just Like His Dad in New Photos"

[Image: A photo of Zion, Wizkid's son, with his father]

Wizkid's son, Zion, is growing up to be a mini-me of his dad. The 3-year-old boy was spotted with his father at a recent event, and their resemblance is uncanny.

5. "Nigerian Singer, Simi, Shows Off Her Baby Bump"

[Image: A photo of Simi, pregnant and smiling]

Nigerian singer, Simi, is expecting her first child with her husband, Adekunle Gold. The singer took to social media to share a photo of her baby bump, and fans are loving the update.

These are just a few of the many interesting news articles with pictures from Gistmania. I hope you enjoyed them!