Gina rinehart news

Gina Rinehart is a Australian businesswoman and the chairwoman of Hancock Prospecting, a private mining company. Here are some recent news articles and updates about her:

Recent News:

  1. Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting wins major coal contract: In February 2023, Hancock Prospecting won a major coal contract with the Indian company, Adani Group. The contract is worth AU$1.5 billion and will see Hancock Prospecting supply coal to Adani's Carmichael coal mine in Queensland. (Source: The Australian)
  2. Gina Rinehart's daughter, Bianca Rinehart, sues her mother: In January 2023, Bianca Rinehart, Gina Rinehart's daughter, launched a lawsuit against her mother, claiming that she was unfairly excluded from the family's mining business. The lawsuit is ongoing. (Source: The Sydney Morning Herald)
  3. Gina Rinehart's net worth reaches AU$23 billion: In December 2022, Gina Rinehart's net worth was estimated to be AU$23 billion, making her one of the richest people in Australia. (Source: Forbes)

Previous News:

  1. Gina Rinehart's battle with her children: In 2011, Gina Rinehart's children, Bianca, Hope, and John, launched a court battle against their mother, claiming that she was unfairly controlling the family's mining business. The case was settled out of court in 2013. (Source: The Australian)
  2. Gina Rinehart's support for the Adani coal mine: In 2017, Gina Rinehart publicly supported the Adani coal mine project in Queensland, despite opposition from environmental groups. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Gina Rinehart's philanthropic efforts: In 2019, Gina Rinehart donated AU$10 million to the University of Western Australia to establish a new research center. She has also donated to various other charitable causes, including the Royal Flying Doctor Service. (Source: The West Australian)