Ghost workers nigerian govt extends bvn to microfinance banks #comments

Here are some possible comments on the topic "Ghost workers: Nigerian govt extends BVN to microfinance banks":

Comment 1 "This is a great move by the government! Extending BVN to microfinance banks will help to curb the menace of ghost workers and ensure that only genuine workers receive their salaries. It's about time we tackle this issue head-on."

Comment 2 "I'm not sure if this is the solution to the ghost worker problem. What's to stop microfinance banks from also being compromised? We need a more comprehensive approach to tackling corruption."

Comment 3 "This is a step in the right direction, but we need to see more action. The government needs to ensure that all banks, including microfinance banks, are fully compliant with the BVN policy. No more excuses!"

Comment 4 "I'm worried about the impact this will have on small-scale entrepreneurs who rely on microfinance banks for loans. Will they still be able to access credit? The government needs to consider the unintended consequences of this policy."

Comment 5 "This is a welcome development! The BVN policy has been effective in reducing the incidence of ghost workers in the formal sector. I hope it will have a similar impact in the microfinance sector."

Comment 6 "I'm not convinced that this will solve the problem of ghost workers. What about the thousands of workers who are already on the payroll but don't exist? We need to tackle the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms."

Comment 7 "This is a great opportunity for the government to show that it's serious about tackling corruption. I hope they will follow through on this policy and ensure that all microfinance banks are fully compliant."

Comment 8 "I'm concerned about the cost of implementing this policy. Will it be borne by the microfinance banks or will it be passed on to the customers? The government needs to provide more information on the implementation costs."

These are just some possible comments on the topic. The actual comments may vary depending on the perspectives and opinions of the individuals involved.