Ghana needs more home based players for black stars johnson

A popular topic in Ghanaian football circles!

Indeed, Ghana has been relying heavily on foreign-based players in the Black Stars squad, and it's true that there's a need to give more opportunities to home-based players. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Development of local talent: By giving more opportunities to home-based players, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) can help develop the skills of local players, which can lead to a stronger national team in the long run.
  2. Increased competition: When home-based players are given a chance to play alongside foreign-based players, it creates a healthy competition that can push both sets of players to improve their game.
  3. Better understanding of the team's style: Home-based players are more likely to understand the team's style of play, tactics, and culture, which can lead to better cohesion and teamwork.
  4. Reduced reliance on foreign-based players: Ghana has been relying heavily on foreign-based players, which can be a problem if they're not available due to injuries, suspensions, or other reasons. By developing home-based players, the team can reduce its reliance on foreign-based players.
  5. Increased fan engagement: When home-based players are given opportunities, fans are more likely to be excited and engaged, which can lead to increased attendance and interest in the team.

To achieve this, the GFA and the Black Stars coaches can consider the following strategies:

  1. Increase scouting and identification of local talent: The GFA can increase its scouting efforts to identify talented local players and provide them with opportunities to play for the national team.
  2. Create a developmental system: The GFA can establish a developmental system that provides a clear pathway for local players to progress from the youth teams to the senior national team.
  3. Give home-based players more game time: Coaches can give home-based players more game time in friendly matches and other non-competitive games to help them gain experience and build their confidence.
  4. Encourage home-based players to play abroad: The GFA can encourage home-based players to play abroad, either on loan or permanently, to gain experience and improve their skills.

By implementing these strategies, Ghana can develop a stronger and more competitive national team that can rely on a mix of home-based and foreign-based players.