Gfw news

GFW stands for Great Firewall of China, which is a system of internet censorship and surveillance developed by the Chinese government to regulate and control the flow of information within China. Here are some recent news articles related to GFW:

  1. China's Great Firewall blocks access to 62% of global internet content: A report by the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) found that the Great Firewall of China blocks access to 62% of global internet content, including popular websites and social media platforms. (Source: The Verge, March 2023)
  2. China's internet censorship reaches new heights: A study by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab found that China's internet censorship has become more sophisticated and widespread, with the Great Firewall blocking access to over 1,000 websites and apps. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  3. Great Firewall of China blocks access to Wikipedia: The Chinese government has blocked access to Wikipedia, citing concerns over the website's content and potential harm to national security. (Source: BBC News, January 2023)
  4. China's internet censorship affects global businesses: The Great Firewall of China is affecting global businesses, with many companies struggling to access Chinese markets and customers due to the country's strict internet censorship laws. (Source: Forbes, December 2022)
  5. China's internet censorship expands to social media: The Chinese government has expanded its internet censorship to social media platforms, including WeChat and Weibo, to control the spread of information and maintain social stability. (Source: South China Morning Post, November 2022)
  6. Great Firewall of China blocks access to Google services: The Chinese government has blocked access to Google services, including Google Search and Google Maps, citing concerns over national security and data privacy. (Source: Reuters, October 2022)
  7. China's internet censorship affects academic research: The Great Firewall of China is affecting academic research, with many scholars struggling to access online resources and collaborate with international colleagues due to the country's strict internet censorship laws. (Source: Nature, September 2022)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles related to the Great Firewall of China. The GFW is a complex and evolving system, and its impact on internet freedom and global communication is a topic of ongoing debate and concern.