Getting my blog on google news

Congratulations on your blog! Getting your blog featured on Google News can be a great way to increase your online visibility, credibility, and traffic. Here are some steps to help you get your blog on Google News:

Meet Google News' requirements

Before you start, make sure your blog meets Google News' requirements:

  1. Content quality: Your blog must publish high-quality, original, and unique content.
  2. Frequency of publication: You must publish content regularly, ideally at least once a week.
  3. Content format: Google News prefers articles, not blog posts with multiple links or promotional content.
  4. Language: Your blog must be in English, but Google News also accepts content in other languages.
  5. Domain age: Your blog must be at least 6 months old.

Optimize your blog for Google News

To increase your chances of getting featured on Google News, optimize your blog as follows:

  1. Use a clear and descriptive title: Use a title that accurately reflects the content of your article.
  2. Write a compelling summary: Write a brief summary of your article that entices readers to click on it.
  3. Use relevant keywords: Use keywords related to your content to help Google News understand what your article is about.
  4. Use a standard format: Use a standard format for your articles, including a headline, summary, and body text.
  5. Use proper grammar and spelling: Ensure your content is free of errors and easy to read.

Submit your blog to Google News

Once you've optimized your blog, submit it to Google News:

  1. Create a Google News account: Go to and sign in with your Google account.
  2. Fill out the application form: Fill out the application form with your blog's information, including your blog's name, URL, and contact information.
  3. Wait for review: Google News will review your application and may contact you for additional information.

Improve your chances of getting featured

To increase your chances of getting featured on Google News, focus on the following:

  1. Publish high-quality content: Ensure your content is well-researched, informative, and engaging.
  2. Use relevant keywords: Use keywords related to your content to help Google News understand what your article is about.
  3. Promote your content: Share your content on social media and other platforms to increase visibility.
  4. Encourage engagement: Encourage readers to engage with your content by asking questions or requesting feedback.
  5. Monitor your analytics: Keep an eye on your analytics to see how your content is performing and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Additional tips

Here are some additional tips to help you get your blog on Google News:

  1. Use a news aggregator: Use a news aggregator like NewsBlur or Feedly to help you stay organized and keep track of your content.
  2. Participate in online communities: Participate in online communities related to your niche to increase your visibility and credibility.
  3. Collaborate with other bloggers: Collaborate with other bloggers in your niche to increase your reach and credibility.
  4. Use a consistent format: Use a consistent format for your articles to make it easy for readers to scan and understand your content.

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of getting your blog featured on Google News and increase your online visibility and credibility.