Get paid to write news articles

The dream of many a writer! Getting paid to write news articles can be a great way to make a living, but it's not always easy to break into the industry. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Build your portfolio: Start by writing articles on topics that interest you and building a portfolio of your work. This can be on a personal blog, Medium, or other platforms.

2. Research and understand the industry: Learn about the news industry, including the types of articles that are in demand, the tone and style of writing, and the typical length and structure of news articles.

3. Look for freelance opportunities: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and ProBlogger often have listings for freelance news writers. You can also search for job postings on journalism job boards like Journalism Jobs or MediaBistro.

4. Pitch stories to online news outlets: Research online news outlets that align with your interests and pitch story ideas to their editors. Make sure to follow their submission guidelines and include a brief summary of your article, along with your portfolio and contact information.

5. Consider working as a stringer: Stringers are freelance writers who work on a regular basis for a specific news outlet. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door and build a relationship with an editor.

6. Network and make connections: Attend journalism conferences, join online communities like the National Association of Black Journalists or the Society of Professional Journalists, and connect with other journalists and editors on social media.

7. Be persistent and patient: Breaking into the news industry can take time, so be prepared to face rejection and keep pitching and writing.

Some online news outlets that pay writers:

  1. HuffPost: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  2. The Guardian: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  3. The New York Times: Payscale: $100-$200 per article (for freelance writers with a strong portfolio)
  4. CNN: Payscale: $100-$200 per article (for freelance writers with a strong portfolio)
  5. The Washington Post: Payscale: $100-$200 per article (for freelance writers with a strong portfolio)
  6. Al Jazeera: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  7. The Daily Beast: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  8. Newsweek: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  9. The Hill: Payscale: $20-$50 per article
  10. Politico: Payscale: $20-$50 per article

Some tips for writing news articles:

  1. Keep it concise: News articles should be brief and to the point.
  2. Use a neutral tone: Avoid taking a side or expressing personal opinions.
  3. Verify facts: Make sure to fact-check and verify information before publishing.
  4. Use quotes: Include quotes from sources to add depth and context to your article.
  5. Follow AP style: The Associated Press style guide is widely used in the news industry, so make sure to follow its guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and style.

Remember, getting paid to write news articles requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Good luck!