Get news on sms

Here are a few ways to get news on your SMS:

1. News Apps:

There are several news apps that allow you to receive news updates via SMS. Some popular ones include:

2. SMS News Services:

Many news organizations and websites offer SMS news services that allow you to receive news updates via SMS. Here are a few examples:

3. SMS News Aggregators:

There are also SMS news aggregators that collect news from various sources and send it to your mobile phone. Some popular ones include:

How to get news on SMS:

To get news on SMS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the news app or sign up for the SMS news service of your choice.
  2. Enter your mobile phone number and confirm your subscription.
  3. Choose the news categories or topics you're interested in.
  4. Set the frequency of the news updates (e.g., daily, hourly, etc.).
  5. Receive news updates via SMS on your mobile phone.

Note: Some SMS news services may charge a small fee for their services, while others may be free. Be sure to check the terms and conditions before signing up.