Get it horribly wildly wrong klopps coaching advice to liverpool legend gerrard

Here's a fictional and humorous take on Klopp's coaching advice to Liverpool legend Gerrard:

Klopp: "Steven, my friend, I've been studying your game, and I think I've found the key to unlocking your true potential. You see, I've been observing the way you run around the pitch, and I've come to the conclusion that you're not using your legs enough. Yes, you heard that right - not enough legs!"

Gerrard: "Uh, what do you mean, Jürgen?"

Klopp: "Well, think about it. You're a midfielder, but you're not using your legs to create space or make runs behind the defense. You're just sort of... existing. I want you to start using your legs to create a vortex of chaos on the pitch. Imagine you're a human tornado, sucking in defenders and creating opportunities for your teammates."

Gerrard: "A human tornado, Jürgen?"

Klopp: "Yes, exactly! And to help you achieve this, I want you to start doing some... unorthodox training exercises. I want you to wear flippers in training and try to dribble past your teammates while making 'ca-ching' noises with your mouth. It'll help you develop your 'tornado legs' and improve your overall agility."

Gerrard: "Flippers, Jürgen? And what about the 'ca-ching' noises?"

Klopp: "Ah, yes, the 'ca-ching' noises are crucial. They'll help you develop your 'tornado focus' and improve your ability to stay calm under pressure. Trust me, Steven, this is the key to unlocking your true potential. Now, let's get to work and make some 'ca-ching' magic happen on the pitch!"

Gerrard: sigh "Okay, Jürgen... I'll give it a try..."