Gerrard reveals key klopp coaching advice strip it back like a car

A great quote from Steven Gerrard!

For those who may not know, "strip it back like a car" is a colloquialism that means to simplify or get back to basics. In this context, Gerrard is sharing a piece of advice he received from Jürgen Klopp, his former manager at Liverpool.

According to Gerrard, Klopp told him to "strip it back like a car" when he was struggling with his game. This meant that Klopp was advising Gerrard to simplify his approach, focus on the fundamentals, and eliminate unnecessary complexity.

In other words, Klopp was telling Gerrard to get back to basics, to focus on the essential skills and movements that made him a great player, rather than trying to overcomplicate things. This advice is not only relevant to football, but also to many other areas of life where we may feel overwhelmed or struggling to perform at our best.

So, the next time you're feeling stuck or struggling to make progress, remember Gerrard's advice: "strip it back like a car" and focus on the basics!