Gerneth german oldest man celebrates 114th birthday

I think you may be referring to Hermann Gerland, a German man who has been recognized as the oldest living person in the world by the Guinness World Records. He was born on February 4, 1907, which would make him 114 years old as of February 2021.

Hermann Gerland, also known as "Gerneth," is a remarkable individual who has lived through two world wars, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, and numerous technological advancements. He has been living in a nursing home in the town of Heidelberg, Germany, where he has been receiving care and support from the staff.

Gerland's longevity has been attributed to his healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a strong social network. He has also been known to enjoy a good cigar and a glass of wine from time to time.

Gerland's remarkable age has been verified by the Guinness World Records, and he has been recognized as the oldest living person in the world since 2019. Despite his advanced age, Gerland remains mentally sharp and is able to communicate effectively with those around him.

It's worth noting that Gerland's age has been disputed by some, and there are some who question the accuracy of his age. However, the Guinness World Records has verified his age through various documentation and interviews with Gerland and his family members.