Germany new immigration law 2019

In 2019, Germany introduced a new immigration law, known as the "Skilled Workers Immigration Act" (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz), which aims to attract highly skilled workers to the country. Here are some key aspects of the new law:

Purpose: The law aims to address the shortage of skilled workers in Germany by making it easier for foreign professionals to immigrate to the country.

Eligibility: The law applies to foreign nationals who have a university degree, at least two years of professional experience, and a job offer in Germany. The job must be in a field where there is a shortage of skilled workers in Germany.

Types of visas: The law introduces two new types of visas:

  1. Job Seeker Visa: This visa allows foreign nationals to look for a job in Germany for up to six months. If they find a job, they can apply for a residence permit.
  2. Skilled Worker Visa: This visa is for foreign nationals who have a job offer in Germany and allows them to work in the country for up to three years.

Residence permit: If a foreign national is granted a residence permit, they can live and work in Germany for up to five years. After five years, they can apply for a permanent residence permit.

Language requirements: The law requires foreign nationals to have a basic knowledge of German language (A1 level) to apply for a residence permit.

Other requirements: The law also requires foreign nationals to have health insurance and to demonstrate that they have sufficient financial resources to support themselves in Germany.

Impact: The new law is expected to attract more highly skilled workers to Germany, particularly in fields such as technology, engineering, and healthcare. It is also expected to help address the shortage of skilled workers in the country.

Timeline: The law came into effect on March 1, 2020.
