Germany immigration news 2020

Here are some key immigration news stories from Germany in 2020:

  1. New Immigration Law: In January 2020, Germany introduced a new immigration law aimed at attracting more skilled workers and simplifying the immigration process. The law allows for faster processing of work permits and provides more flexibility for employers to hire foreign workers.
  2. Blue Card Reform: Germany also reformed its Blue Card program, which allows highly skilled workers from non-EU countries to work in Germany. The reforms aim to make the program more attractive and easier to use.
  3. EU Settlement Scheme: Germany launched its EU Settlement Scheme in 2020, allowing EU citizens living in Germany to register their status and obtain a residence permit.
  4. Refugee Integration: Germany continued to focus on integrating refugees into society, with initiatives such as language training, job placement, and cultural orientation programs.
  5. Asylum Seeker Numbers: According to the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the number of asylum seekers in Germany decreased in 2020, with 44,000 applications received, compared to 62,000 in 2019.
  6. Immigration from Non-EU Countries: Germany saw an increase in immigration from non-EU countries in 2020, with 1.3 million people arriving from outside the EU, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
  7. Skilled Worker Shortages: Germany faced shortages of skilled workers in certain sectors, such as IT, healthcare, and engineering, leading to increased efforts to attract foreign talent.
  8. Integration of Foreign Students: Germany introduced a new program to integrate foreign students into the labor market, providing them with job placement support and language training.
  9. Digitalization of Immigration Process: Germany began to digitalize its immigration process, allowing applicants to submit applications and documents online, and providing faster processing times.
  10. Immigration and Integration Policy: The German government launched a new immigration and integration policy, focusing on attracting skilled workers, promoting integration, and combating discrimination.

Some notable quotes from German politicians and experts on immigration in 2020:
