Germany immigration news 2019

Here are some key immigration news stories from Germany in 2019:

  1. New Immigration Law: In January 2019, Germany introduced a new immigration law aimed at attracting skilled workers and simplifying the immigration process. The law introduced a points-based system, similar to those used in Canada and Australia, to assess applicants' qualifications and language skills.
  2. Blue Card Reform: In June 2019, Germany's government announced plans to reform the Blue Card, a residence permit for highly skilled workers. The reforms aimed to make the process more efficient and attractive to international talent.
  3. Startups and Entrepreneurs: In February 2019, Germany's government launched a new startup visa program to attract entrepreneurs and innovators. The program offers a fast-track residence permit for startups and entrepreneurs who want to establish a business in Germany.
  4. Integration and Language: In March 2019, Germany's government announced plans to improve language training for immigrants. The government aimed to increase the number of language courses and make them more accessible to immigrants.
  5. Refugee Integration: In April 2019, Germany's government launched a new integration program for refugees. The program aimed to help refugees find employment and integrate into German society.
  6. Family Reunification: In May 2019, Germany's government announced plans to simplify the family reunification process for refugees. The government aimed to make it easier for refugees to bring their families to Germany.
  7. Asylum Seekers: In June 2019, Germany's government announced plans to increase the number of asylum seekers it accepts each year. The government aimed to provide more protection to those fleeing war and persecution.
  8. Border Controls: In July 2019, Germany's government announced plans to increase border controls along its borders with Austria and the Czech Republic. The move was aimed at preventing irregular migration and human trafficking.
  9. EU Immigration Policy: In September 2019, Germany's government played a key role in shaping the EU's new immigration policy. The policy aimed to create a more coordinated approach to immigration across the EU.
  10. Immigration Statistics: In November 2019, Germany's Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) released statistics showing that the number of immigrants in Germany had increased by 10% in 2018 compared to the previous year. The statistics also showed that the majority of immigrants came from EU countries.

These are just a few of the key immigration news stories from Germany in 2019. If you're interested in learning more, I can provide you with additional information or resources.