Germany immigration news 2016

Here are some key immigration news stories from Germany in 2016:

  1. Refugee Crisis Continues: Germany continued to grapple with the refugee crisis, with over 1 million asylum seekers arriving in the country in 2015 and 2016. The government implemented various measures to manage the influx, including setting up reception centers and increasing border controls.
  2. Asylum Seeker Numbers Decline: After peaking in 2015, the number of asylum seekers arriving in Germany began to decline in 2016. According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the number of asylum applications fell by 44% in the first half of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015.
  3. Integration Measures Introduced: The German government introduced various integration measures to help refugees and asylum seekers settle in the country. These included language courses, job training programs, and cultural orientation courses.
  4. Residence Permits Issued: In 2016, the German government issued over 1.2 million residence permits to foreigners, including refugees and asylum seekers. This was a significant increase from the previous year, when around 700,000 permits were issued.
  5. Deportations of Criminals: Germany began deporting criminal asylum seekers who had been convicted of serious crimes. This move was part of the government's efforts to crack down on crime and improve public safety.
  6. New Immigration Law: In June 2016, the German government introduced a new immigration law aimed at attracting skilled workers from around the world. The law introduced a points-based system to evaluate job applicants and made it easier for highly qualified workers to obtain residence permits.
  7. EU-Turkey Deal: Germany was a key player in the EU-Turkey deal, which aimed to stem the flow of migrants from Turkey to Greece and other EU countries. The deal, which was agreed in March 2016, saw Turkey agree to take back migrants who had reached Greece in exchange for visa-free travel to the EU and financial aid.
  8. Migrant Workers' Rights: Germany introduced new laws to protect the rights of migrant workers, including the right to fair wages and safe working conditions. The government also launched a campaign to promote the integration of migrant workers into the labor market.
  9. Asylum Seeker Housing: Germany faced challenges in providing housing for asylum seekers, with many being forced to live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions. The government launched initiatives to improve housing conditions and provide more permanent accommodation for asylum seekers.
  10. Public Opinion on Immigration: Public opinion on immigration in Germany remained divided in 2016, with some people supporting the government's efforts to welcome refugees and others expressing concerns about the impact of immigration on the country's culture and economy.

These are just a few of the key immigration news stories from Germany in 2016. The country continued to grapple with the challenges of managing a large influx of refugees and asylum seekers, while also seeking to attract skilled workers and promote integration.