German websites for news

Here are some popular German news websites:

  1. Spiegel Online ( A leading online news magazine that covers politics, business, culture, and more.
  2. Deutsche Welle ( A government-funded international broadcaster that provides news in German and other languages.
  3. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( A conservative-leaning newspaper that covers national and international news.
  4. Süddeutsche Zeitung ( A liberal-leaning newspaper that covers politics, culture, and more.
  5. Bild ( A popular tabloid newspaper that focuses on celebrity news, sports, and entertainment.
  6. Die Zeit ( A weekly news magazine that covers politics, culture, and society.
  7. Tagesschau ( A public broadcaster that provides news in German and other languages.
  8. Handelsblatt ( A business newspaper that covers economics, finance, and politics.
  9. Die Welt ( A conservative-leaning newspaper that covers national and international news.
  10. taz ( A left-leaning newspaper that covers politics, culture, and society.
  11. FAZ.NET ( The online version of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, with a focus on politics, business, and culture.
  12. Stern ( A popular news magazine that covers politics, culture, and entertainment.
  13. Focus ( A news magazine that covers politics, business, and culture.
  14. B.Z. ( A Berlin-based newspaper that covers local and national news.
  15. Rheinische Post ( A regional newspaper that covers news from North Rhine-Westphalia.

These are just a few examples of the many German news websites available. You can also try searching for news in specific regions or cities, such as Berlin, Munich, or Hamburg.