German footballer contracts coronavirus as bundesliga goes behind closed doors

A recent news article!

According to reports, a German footballer has tested positive for COVID-19, prompting the Bundesliga to take the unprecedented step of playing matches behind closed doors.

The affected player, whose identity has not been disclosed, is currently undergoing treatment and is in isolation to prevent the spread of the virus.

The German Football Association (DFB) and the Bundesliga have taken the decision to play matches without spectators to minimize the risk of further transmission and to protect the health and safety of players, coaches, and staff.

This move comes as Germany has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, with the country's health authorities reporting over 10,000 new cases in the past 24 hours.

The Bundesliga is one of the top professional football leagues in the world, and the decision to play matches behind closed doors is a significant blow to fans who were looking forward to attending matches in person.

The German government has been working closely with the DFB and the Bundesliga to implement measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including social distancing, mask-wearing, and increased hygiene protocols.

The affected player's club has not been named, but it is understood that the player is receiving medical attention and is expected to make a full recovery.

The Bundesliga is set to resume play on May 16th, with matches being played behind closed doors until further notice.