Gerard butler's new movie

Gerard Butler has been involved in several projects recently. Here are a few of his upcoming and recent movies:

  1. Geostorm (2017) - a disaster film where Butler plays Jake Lawson, a scientist who creates a network of satellites to control the global climate, but things go awry when the system starts to malfunction.
  2. Angel Has Fallen (2019) - the third installment in the "Has Fallen" franchise, where Butler reprises his role as Mike Banning, a Secret Service agent who must clear his name after being framed for an assassination attempt on the President.
  3. Greenland (2020) - a disaster thriller where Butler plays John Garrity, a family man who must protect his wife and son from a global catastrophe that causes the Earth's rotation to slow down, leading to catastrophic consequences.
  4. The Plane (2022) - an action-thriller where Butler plays a pilot who must save a plane full of passengers from a hijacking.

Please note that release dates and titles are subject to change, and this information might not be up-to-date. You can check your local listings or streaming platforms for the latest information on Gerard Butler's movies.