George franke ny outdoor news writer

George Frank is a well-known outdoor news writer based in New York. He has been covering the outdoors and outdoor recreation for many years, and has written for a variety of publications, including newspapers, magazines, and online outlets.

George Frank is particularly known for his expertise on hiking, backpacking, and camping in the Adirondacks and other parts of New York State. He has written extensively on the subject, and has shared his knowledge and experiences with readers through his articles and blog posts.

Some of the publications that George Frank has written for include:

George Frank is also active on social media, and has a strong following on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. He regularly shares his outdoor adventures and insights with his followers, and is known for his engaging and informative writing style.

If you're interested in learning more about George Frank's work, I recommend checking out his website or following him on social media. He is a great resource for anyone interested in the outdoors, and his writing is always informative and entertaining.