General church of the new jerusalem

The General Church of the New Jerusalem is a Christian denomination that was founded in the 19th century by Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish theologian and mystic. The church is also known as the New Church or the Swedenborgian Church.

Swedenborg was a member of the Swedish Lutheran Church, but he became disillusioned with the traditional Christian teachings and began to develop his own theological ideas. He believed that the Bible was a spiritual book that contained hidden meanings and symbolism, and he spent many years studying and interpreting the scriptures.

In 1784, Swedenborg had a series of visions and revelations that he believed were from God, and these experiences led him to develop a new understanding of Christianity. He believed that the Bible was a book of spiritual truths, and that it contained a hidden meaning that was not apparent on the surface.

Swedenborg's teachings emphasized the importance of spiritual growth and development, and he believed that people could achieve spiritual enlightenment through a process of inner transformation. He also believed that the Bible was a book of spiritual truths, and that it contained a hidden meaning that was not apparent on the surface.

The General Church of the New Jerusalem was founded in 1787, and it quickly spread throughout Europe and North America. The church was known for its emphasis on spiritual growth and development, and its members were encouraged to seek spiritual enlightenment through meditation, prayer, and study of the Bible.

Today, the General Church of the New Jerusalem has a small but dedicated following, and it is recognized as a Christian denomination by many religious organizations. The church has a strong emphasis on spiritual growth and development, and its members are encouraged to seek spiritual enlightenment through a variety of means, including meditation, prayer, and study of the Bible.

Some of the key beliefs of the General Church of the New Jerusalem include:

Overall, the General Church of the New Jerusalem is a Christian denomination that emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and development, and it is recognized as a Christian denomination by many religious organizations.