Gen david m rodriguez latest news

General David M. Rodriguez is a retired United States Army four-star general who served as the Commander of United States Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A) from 2014 to 2015. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

  1. Retirement: General Rodriguez retired from the US Army in 2015 after a distinguished 37-year career. He was succeeded by General John F. Campbell as the Commander of USFOR-A.
  2. Post-retirement activities: After his retirement, General Rodriguez has been involved in various activities, including serving as a senior advisor to the US Department of Defense and the US Department of State. He has also been a speaker at various conferences and events, sharing his insights on national security and military affairs.
  3. Writing: General Rodriguez has written a book titled "Commanding: The Patton Papers, Volume II" which was published in 2018. The book is a collection of letters and documents written by General George S. Patton, a legendary US Army general, during World War II.
  4. Teaching: General Rodriguez has taught at the National Defense University's Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, where he has lectured on topics such as national security, military strategy, and leadership.
  5. Awards and recognition: General Rodriguez has received numerous awards and decorations during his military career, including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Army Distinguished Service Medal, and the Legion of Merit.
  6. Media appearances: General Rodriguez has made appearances on various media outlets, including CNN, Fox News, and NPR, sharing his expertise on national security and military affairs.
  7. Speaking engagements: General Rodriguez has delivered keynote speeches at various events, including the annual National Defense University's (NDU) National Security Forum, the US Army War College's (USAWC) annual conference, and the Association of the United States Army's (AUSA) annual meeting.

Some of his recent speaking engagements include:

Please note that the latest news and updates about General Rodriguez may not be readily available, as he is no longer actively serving in the military. However, his past achievements and activities can be found through various online sources and news articles.