Geko new money

You're referring to the popular slang term "Gekö"!

"Gekö" is a slang term that originated in Germany and has since spread to other parts of Europe and the world. It roughly translates to "new money" or "fresh cash," but it's often used to describe someone who's recently come into wealth or is flaunting their wealth.

The term is often used in a playful or ironic way to describe someone who's trying too hard to show off their wealth or status. For example, if someone is wearing expensive clothes or jewelry and acting flashy, someone might say, "Gekö!" to imply that they're trying too hard to impress.

In some cases, "Gekö" can also be used to describe someone who's acting entitled or arrogant because of their wealth. For example, if someone is being rude or condescending because they think they're better than others because of their wealth, someone might say, "Gekö!" to call them out on their behavior.

Overall, "Gekö" is a fun and playful term that's often used to poke fun at people who are trying too hard to show off their wealth or status.