Gcm resources news

Here are some recent news and updates related to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and its successor, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM):

GCM News

  1. GCM to be deprecated: Google announced in 2018 that GCM would be deprecated and replaced by Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). The deprecation process began in April 2019, and GCM will be fully shut down on April 10, 2020.
  2. GCM to stop sending messages: In October 2019, Google announced that GCM would stop sending messages to devices that have not opted-in to receive messages from the app. This change aimed to improve the security and reliability of GCM.

FCM News

  1. FCM is now the recommended messaging solution: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is now the recommended messaging solution for Android and iOS apps. FCM provides a more scalable, secure, and reliable messaging solution than GCM.
  2. FCM introduces new features: FCM has introduced several new features, including:
    • Topics: A way to send messages to multiple devices with a single API call.
    • Conditional properties: A way to target specific devices based on device properties.
    • Web push notifications: Support for sending web push notifications to users.
  3. FCM integrates with Firebase Analytics: FCM now integrates with Firebase Analytics, allowing developers to track and analyze the effectiveness of their messaging campaigns.
  4. FCM supports serverless architecture: FCM supports serverless architecture, allowing developers to send messages without setting up and managing servers.

Other News

  1. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to be replaced by Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): In 2018, Google announced that GCM would be replaced by FCM. The transition is expected to be completed by April 2020.
  2. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to stop sending messages: In October 2019, Google announced that GCM would stop sending messages to devices that have not opted-in to receive messages from the app.
  3. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to support serverless architecture: FCM now supports serverless architecture, allowing developers to send messages without setting up and managing servers.

These are some of the recent news and updates related to GCM and FCM. If you're using GCM, it's recommended to migrate to FCM as soon as possible to take advantage of the new features and improvements.