Gbpjpy news


Current Rate: 1 GBP = 144.50 JPY

Recent News and Analysis:

  1. BoE Interest Rate Decision: The Bank of England (BoE) has kept its interest rates unchanged at 0.5% in its latest decision. This has had a limited impact on the GBP/JPY pair, which has been trading within a narrow range.
  2. UK GDP Growth: The UK's GDP growth rate has slowed down to 0.3% in the first quarter of 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). This has raised concerns about the UK's economic growth prospects.
  3. Japanese Economy: Japan's economy has shown signs of recovery, with the country's GDP growth rate increasing to 1.2% in the first quarter of 2023. This has boosted the JPY and put downward pressure on the GBP/JPY pair.
  4. Brexit Uncertainty: The ongoing uncertainty surrounding the UK's exit from the European Union (EU) continues to weigh on the GBP. The lack of clarity on the UK's future trade relationships with the EU has led to increased volatility in the GBP/JPY pair.
  5. Global Market Sentiment: The global market sentiment has been impacted by the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China, as well as the uncertainty surrounding the UK's exit from the EU. This has led to increased volatility in the GBP/JPY pair.

Technical Analysis:

The GBP/JPY pair has been trading within a narrow range over the past few days, with the pair currently trading around 144.50. The pair has been supported by the 144.00 level, while the 145.00 level has acted as resistance.

Resistance Levels:

Support Levels:

Trading Recommendations:

Disclaimer: The information provided is for general information purposes only and should not be considered as an investment advice. Any actions taken by the reader based on the information provided is at their own risk and responsibility.