Gbaramatu voice news

Gbaramatu Voice News is a popular online news platform that provides updates on current events, politics, and social issues in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, particularly in the Gbaramatu Kingdom. Here are some recent news updates from Gbaramatu Voice News:

Latest News

  1. Military Operation in Gbaramatu: The Nigerian military has launched a fresh operation in Gbaramatu Kingdom, allegedly to flush out militants and kidnappers. Residents have been advised to stay indoors.
  2. Oil Spill in Delta State: A massive oil spill has been reported in Delta State, with environmentalists warning of devastating consequences for the ecosystem.
  3. Youth Protest in Warri: Youths in Warri have taken to the streets to protest against alleged marginalization and neglect by the government.
  4. Gbaramatu Monarch Dies: The traditional ruler of Gbaramatu Kingdom, HRM Oboro Gbaraun II, has passed away, leaving behind a legacy of peace and development in the region.
  5. Niger Delta Avengers Threaten Fresh Attacks: The Niger Delta Avengers, a militant group, has threatened to resume attacks on oil installations in the region if their demands are not met.

Opinion Pieces

  1. The Plight of Gbaramatu Women: A writer reflects on the challenges faced by women in Gbaramatu Kingdom, including lack of access to education and economic opportunities.
  2. The Need for Peace in Niger Delta: An opinion piece argues that peace is essential for the development of the Niger Delta region, and that all stakeholders must work together to achieve it.
  3. Gbaramatu Kingdom: A Beacon of Hope: A writer highlights the achievements of Gbaramatu Kingdom, including its efforts to promote peace and development in the region.


  1. Gbaramatu Kingdom: A Rich Cultural Heritage: A feature article explores the rich cultural heritage of Gbaramatu Kingdom, including its traditional music, dance, and art.
  2. The Impact of Oil Spills on Gbaramatu Communities: A feature piece examines the devastating effects of oil spills on the environment and communities in Gbaramatu Kingdom.
  3. Gbaramatu Youths: The Future of the Region: A feature article profiles young people from Gbaramatu Kingdom who are making a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

These are just a few examples of the types of news and features you can find on Gbaramatu Voice News. The platform provides a valuable service by keeping readers informed about current events and issues in the Niger Delta region.