Gbaramatu kingdom not part of biafra community leaders warn

It appears that there is a recent development in the news regarding the Gbaramatu Kingdom in Nigeria. According to reports, community leaders in the Gbaramatu Kingdom have warned that the kingdom is not part of the Biafra movement.

For those who may not be aware, the Gbaramatu Kingdom is a traditional kingdom located in the Delta State of Nigeria, and it is predominantly inhabited by the Ijaw people. The kingdom has a rich cultural heritage and has been a significant player in the Niger Delta region's politics and economy.

The warning by the community leaders is likely in response to recent claims by some Biafra separatist groups that the Gbaramatu Kingdom is part of the Biafra territory. The Biafra movement is a secessionist movement that seeks to create an independent state for the Igbo people, who are predominantly found in the southeastern region of Nigeria.

The community leaders' warning is likely aimed at clarifying the kingdom's stance on the Biafra movement and to prevent any misunderstandings or misrepresentations. It is also possible that the leaders are trying to maintain good relations with the Nigerian government and other stakeholders in the region.

It will be interesting to see how this development unfolds and whether it has any implications for the Biafra movement or the Gbaramatu Kingdom's relations with other groups in the region.

Would you like me to provide more information on the Gbaramatu Kingdom or the Biafra movement? Or perhaps you'd like to know more about the Niger Delta region or the Ijaw people?