Gbaramatu community wants chevron to provide electricity in 14 days or

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by the Gbaramatu community in Nigeria. According to the report, the community is demanding that Chevron, a multinational oil corporation, provides electricity to the community within 14 days or else they will take drastic measures.

Here's a possible completion of the sentence:

"...or else they will take drastic measures, including shutting down the company's operations in the area."

The Gbaramatu community, which is located in Delta State, Nigeria, has been plagued by a lack of electricity for a long time. The community has been relying on generators and other alternative sources of power, which are often expensive and unreliable.

Chevron, which has been operating in the area for many years, has been accused of not doing enough to provide electricity to the community. The company has been criticized for prioritizing its own interests over the needs of the local community.

The community's demand for electricity is not just a matter of convenience, but also a matter of safety and health. The lack of electricity has led to a range of problems, including poor sanitation, inadequate lighting, and increased risk of accidents.

It remains to be seen whether Chevron will meet the community's demands and provide electricity within the 14-day deadline. If not, the community may indeed take drastic measures to force the company to take action.