Gay roommates new york city

The vibrant city of New York! Finding gay roommates in NYC can be a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and share an apartment with someone who understands and respects your lifestyle. Here are some tips and resources to help you find gay roommates in New York City:

Online Resources:

  1. Craigslist: While be cautious when using Craigslist, you can search for "gay roommate" or "LGBTQ-friendly roommate" in the NYC area.
  2. Facebook Groups: Join local LGBTQ+ groups, such as "Gay Roommates in NYC" or "LGBTQ+ Roommates in New York City."
  3. Roomster: A roommate-finding platform that allows you to filter by sexual orientation.
  4. Gay Roommate Finder: A website specifically designed for gay men looking for roommates in NYC.
  5. LGBTQ+ Housing: A website that connects LGBTQ+ individuals with housing options, including roommate opportunities.

In-Person Resources:

  1. LGBTQ+ Community Centers: Visit local community centers, such as the LGBTQ Community Center in Manhattan or the Brooklyn LGBTQ Community Center, to connect with other LGBTQ+ individuals and potentially find roommates.
  2. Gay Bars and Clubs: Attend LGBTQ+ events and gatherings at bars and clubs, such as the Stonewall Inn or the Eagle NYC, to meet new people and potentially find roommates.
  3. LGBTQ+ Meetups: Join local LGBTQ+ Meetup groups, such as "Gay Men of New York" or "LGBTQ+ Social Group," to connect with others who share similar interests.


  1. Be clear about your preferences: When searching for roommates, be upfront about your sexual orientation and what you're looking for in a roommate.
  2. Screen potential roommates: Research potential roommates online, ask for references, and conduct video calls or in-person interviews to ensure you're comfortable with your future roommate.
  3. Respect boundaries: Remember that everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to sharing a living space. Be respectful of your roommate's boundaries and preferences.
  4. Consider a roommate agreement: Create a roommate agreement that outlines expectations, responsibilities, and boundaries to ensure a harmonious living environment.

Remember to always prioritize your safety and well-being when searching for roommates. Good luck in your search!