Gay nigeria news

I'm happy to provide you with some news and updates from Nigeria that are relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. However, please note that Nigeria has a complex and often challenging environment for LGBTQ+ individuals, and some of the information I provide may be sensitive or disturbing.

Here are a few recent news articles and updates from Nigeria that may be of interest:

  1. Nigeria's anti-LGBTQ+ law: In 2014, Nigeria passed the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act (SSMPA), which criminalizes same-sex relationships and makes it punishable by up to 14 years in prison. The law has been widely criticized by human rights organizations and has led to increased persecution of LGBTQ+ individuals in the country.
  2. LGBTQ+ individuals arrested and detained: In recent years, there have been several reports of LGBTQ+ individuals being arrested and detained in Nigeria. In 2020, a group of 47 LGBTQ+ individuals were arrested in Lagos and detained for several days before being released.
  3. LGBTQ+ community faces discrimination and violence: LGBTQ+ individuals in Nigeria often face discrimination and violence, including physical attacks, harassment, and exclusion from society. Many LGBTQ+ individuals are forced to live in hiding, and some have been forced to flee the country to seek safety.
  4. Advocacy efforts: Despite the challenges, there are several organizations and individuals in Nigeria working to promote LGBTQ+ rights and challenge the country's anti-LGBTQ+ laws. These efforts include advocacy campaigns, legal challenges, and community support initiatives.
  5. International pressure: The international community has been putting pressure on Nigeria to repeal its anti-LGBTQ+ laws and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. In 2020, the United States and the European Union issued statements condemning Nigeria's anti-LGBTQ+ laws and calling for greater protections for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Some recent news articles from Nigeria that may be of interest include:

I hope this information is helpful.