Gaurdian news immigration recruitment

The Guardian has reported on various aspects of immigration recruitment, including the challenges faced by employers in finding and retaining skilled workers, the impact of Brexit on the UK's immigration system, and the experiences of migrant workers in the UK. Here are some recent articles and news stories on immigration recruitment from The Guardian:

  1. "UK employers struggle to find skilled workers as Brexit uncertainty bites" (February 2020)

This article reports on the difficulties faced by UK employers in finding and retaining skilled workers, particularly in industries such as healthcare, technology, and finance. The article cites a survey by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) which found that 62% of employers are struggling to find the skills they need.

  1. "Brexit: UK's immigration system in chaos as EU workers leave" (January 2020)

This article discusses the impact of Brexit on the UK's immigration system, including the departure of EU workers from the UK and the challenges faced by employers in recruiting and retaining skilled workers.

  1. "Migrant workers in UK face 'hostile environment' as Brexit looms" (December 2019)

This article reports on the experiences of migrant workers in the UK, including the challenges they face in accessing healthcare, education, and other services. The article also discusses the impact of Brexit on the rights of migrant workers in the UK.

  1. "UK's 'points-based' immigration system: what does it mean for employers?" (November 2019)

This article explains the UK's new points-based immigration system, which is designed to attract high-skilled workers to the UK. The article discusses the requirements for employers to sponsor migrant workers and the potential benefits and challenges of the new system.

  1. "UK's immigration rules 'discriminate' against low-skilled workers, says report" (October 2019)

This article reports on a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) which argues that the UK's immigration rules discriminate against low-skilled workers. The report suggests that the UK's immigration system should be reformed to prioritize the recruitment of low-skilled workers in sectors such as care and hospitality.

  1. "UK's 'hostile environment' policy for migrants 'causes harm and distress'" (September 2019)

This article discusses the impact of the UK's "hostile environment" policy on migrant workers, including the challenges they face in accessing healthcare, education, and other services. The article also discusses the potential human rights implications of the policy.

  1. "UK's immigration system 'broken' and needs 'radical overhaul', says thinktank" (August 2019)

This article reports on a report by the thinktank, the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), which argues that the UK's immigration system is "broken" and needs a "radical overhaul". The report suggests that the UK's immigration system should be reformed to prioritize the recruitment of skilled workers and to reduce the bureaucracy and complexity of the system.

These are just a few examples of the many articles and news stories on immigration recruitment that have been published by The Guardian in recent years.