Gary lineker news

Gary Lineker is a former English professional footballer and current sports broadcaster. Here are some recent news updates about him:

Recent News

  1. BBC Match of the Day controversy: In October 2022, Lineker was suspended by the BBC from presenting Match of the Day after he tweeted about the government's asylum seeker policy, which was criticized for being too close to the government's stance. The controversy led to a wider debate about the role of sports personalities in politics.
  2. Return to Match of the Day: After a week-long suspension, Lineker returned to presenting Match of the Day on October 22, 2022, with the BBC announcing that he would continue to present the show.
  3. New contract with the BBC: In November 2022, the BBC announced that Lineker had signed a new contract to continue presenting Match of the Day until 2025.
  4. Lineker's charity work: In October 2022, Lineker was appointed as the patron of the charity, "Street League", which aims to help young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  5. Lineker's autobiography: In November 2022, Lineker released his autobiography, "Allez, Allez, Allez: My Story", which covers his life, career, and experiences as a footballer and broadcaster.

Recent Quotes

  1. "I'm just trying to do my job to the best of my ability, and if that means having a different opinion to the government, then so be it." - Gary Lineker, on his suspension from Match of the Day (October 2022)
  2. "I'm proud to be a part of the BBC and to be able to present Match of the Day, and I'm looking forward to continuing to do so." - Gary Lineker, on his return to the show (October 2022)

Recent Interviews

  1. BBC Radio 4's Today Programme: Lineker appeared on the Today Programme in October 2022 to discuss his suspension from Match of the Day and the controversy surrounding his tweets.
  2. The Guardian: Lineker gave an interview to The Guardian in November 2022, discussing his autobiography, his career, and his views on the current state of football.

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive.