Gani kayode todays news

I'm assuming you're asking about the latest news about Gani Kayode, a Nigerian lawyer and human rights activist. Here are some recent news updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Gani Kayode's Birthday Celebration: On May 22, 2022, Gani Kayode celebrated his 62nd birthday. His friends, family, and well-wishers took to social media to wish him a happy birthday and celebrate his life's work.
  2. Nigerian Government's Response to Gani Kayode's Criticism: In April 2022, Gani Kayode criticized the Nigerian government's handling of the country's economic crisis. The government responded by accusing him of being a "serial critic" and "a lawyer who has lost touch with reality."
  3. Gani Kayode's Support for #EndSARS Protest: In October 2020, Gani Kayode expressed his support for the #EndSARS protest, which was a movement against police brutality and bad governance in Nigeria. He called on the government to listen to the demands of the protesters and address the issues they were raising.
  4. Gani Kayode's Call for Justice for Victims of Human Rights Abuses: In March 2022, Gani Kayode called on the Nigerian government to ensure justice for victims of human rights abuses, including those who were killed during the #EndSARS protest.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "The Nigerian government is not interested in the welfare of the people. They are only interested in looting the country's resources and enriching themselves." - Gani Kayode (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. "The #EndSARS protest was a wake-up call for the government to address the issues of police brutality and bad governance. They should not have ignored the demands of the protesters." - Gani Kayode (Source: The Punch)

Please note that these news updates and quotes are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.