Ganduje new video

You're referring to the recent video of Abdullahi Ganduje, the Governor of Kano State in Nigeria. The video has been making headlines in the country and beyond.

For those who may not be aware, the video appears to show Ganduje receiving bribes from contractors in cash, which has sparked widespread outrage and calls for his resignation. The video was reportedly shot by an investigative journalist, who was posing as a contractor seeking to do business with the state government.

The video has been widely shared on social media, and many Nigerians are demanding that Ganduje step down as governor due to the allegations of corruption. The governor has denied the allegations, claiming that the video is fake and that he is being targeted by his political enemies.

The controversy has also led to calls for greater transparency and accountability in government, as well as demands for stronger anti-corruption measures to be put in place.

It's worth noting that the video has sparked a heated debate in Nigeria, with some people calling for Ganduje's resignation and others defending him. The situation is still unfolding, and it will be interesting to see how it develops in the coming days and weeks.

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