Games like battle breakers

Battle Breakers is a unique game that combines elements of RPGs, MOBAs, and collectible card games. If you're looking for games similar to Battle Breakers, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Hearthstone: While not a MOBA, Hearthstone is a popular collectible card game with RPG elements and a similar strategic gameplay style.
  2. Path of Exile: This action RPG has a similar dark fantasy setting and deep character customization, although it's more focused on exploration and combat.
  3. Dungeon Defenders: This tower defense game has a similar blend of RPG elements and MOBA-style gameplay, although it's more focused on defending against waves of enemies.
  4. Awesomenauts: This 2D side-scrolling MOBA has a similar cartoonish art style and fast-paced gameplay, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer.
  5. Smite: Another MOBA with a similar gameplay style, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer and has a larger player base.
  6. Heroes of the Storm: Blizzard's MOBA has a similar art style and gameplay style, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer and has a larger player base.
  7. Card Hunter: This free-to-play collectible card game has a similar RPG-style gameplay and a fantasy setting, although it's more focused on exploration and combat.
  8. Shadowfist: This collectible card game has a similar fast-paced gameplay style and a fantasy setting, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer.
  9. Gwent: This collectible card game has a similar strategic gameplay style and a fantasy setting, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer and has a larger player base.
  10. Card Wars: This mobile game has a similar gameplay style and a fantasy setting, although it's more focused on competitive multiplayer and has a more casual tone.

These games all share some elements of Battle Breakers' gameplay, such as RPG-style character customization, strategic combat, and collectible card gameplay. However, each game has its own unique twists and gameplay mechanics, so you may find that you enjoy some more than others.