Game of thrones news season 8


Here are some of the latest news and updates about Game of Thrones Season 8:

Episode 6: The Iron Throne

The final episode of the series aired on May 19, 2019, and it was met with a mixed reaction from fans and critics. The episode saw the conclusion of the Great War, with Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) burning King's Landing to the ground and killing thousands of innocent people. The surviving characters then gathered to determine the fate of the Seven Kingdoms, with Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) being chosen as the new King of the Six Kingdoms (with the North having gained independence).

Controversy and Criticism

The final season of Game of Thrones was widely criticized for its pacing, character development, and plot twists. Many fans felt that the show's creators, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, rushed through the story and made poor decisions, such as killing off beloved characters and introducing plot holes.

Awards and Nominations

Despite the controversy, Game of Thrones still managed to receive numerous awards and nominations for its final season. The show won a record-breaking 32 Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Drama Series, and was nominated for several Golden Globe Awards.

Cast and Crew Reactions

The cast and crew of Game of Thrones have spoken out about the final season, with some expressing their disappointment and frustration with the way the story was concluded. Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys, has said that she was "heartbroken" by the way her character was killed off, while Kit Harington (Jon Snow) has said that he was "sad" to see his character's storyline come to an end.

Spin-Offs and Prequels

Despite the controversy surrounding the final season, HBO has announced plans to create several spin-offs and prequels set in the Game of Thrones universe. One of these shows, House of the Dragon, is a prequel series that will explore the history of House Targaryen and is set to premiere in 2022.

Fan Reactions

The final season of Game of Thrones has sparked a heated debate among fans, with some defending the show's conclusion and others calling for a remake or a reboot. The show's finale has also inspired numerous memes and jokes on social media, with many fans poking fun at the show's plot twists and character deaths.

Overall, the final season of Game of Thrones has been a topic of discussion and debate among fans and critics alike. While some have praised the show's conclusion, others have criticized its pacing, character development, and plot twists.