Gambia latest news freedom

Here are some of the latest news related to freedom in The Gambia:

Recent Developments:

  1. Freedom of Expression: The Gambia has made significant progress in promoting freedom of expression, with the government lifting restrictions on the media and allowing for the establishment of new newspapers and radio stations. (Source: Freedom House)
  2. Human Rights: The Gambia has also made progress in promoting human rights, with the government committing to upholding the rights of all citizens, including women, children, and marginalized groups. (Source: Human Rights Watch)
  3. Political Freedom: The Gambia has held several democratic elections since the end of the Yahya Jammeh regime in 2017, with the opposition party, United Democratic Party (UDP), winning the 2021 presidential election. (Source: BBC News)

Recent News Articles:

  1. Gambia's President Adama Barrow Signs Freedom of Information Bill into Law (Source: The Point, Gambia)
    • The bill aims to promote transparency and accountability in government by giving citizens access to information held by public bodies.
  2. Gambia's Human Rights Commission Calls for Protection of Journalists (Source: The Daily Observer, Gambia)
    • The commission expressed concern over the increasing number of attacks on journalists and called on the government to take action to protect them.
  3. Gambia's Opposition Party Calls for Electoral Reforms (Source: The Gambia News, Gambia)
    • The United Democratic Party (UDP) has called for electoral reforms to ensure free and fair elections in the country.

International Organizations' Reports:

  1. Freedom House Report: The Gambia has been ranked as "Partly Free" in Freedom House's 2022 report, with improvements in freedom of expression and human rights. (Source: Freedom House)
  2. Human Rights Watch Report: Human Rights Watch has reported that while the Gambia has made progress in promoting human rights, there are still concerns over restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly. (Source: Human Rights Watch)

Other News:

  1. Gambia's President Adama Barrow Launches National Human Rights Action Plan (Source: The Gambia News, Gambia)
    • The plan aims to promote and protect human rights in the country, with a focus on issues such as freedom of expression, assembly, and association.
  2. Gambia's Government Commits to Protecting Journalists (Source: The Point, Gambia)
    • The government has committed to protecting journalists and ensuring their safety, following concerns over attacks on media workers.

Please note that the news articles and reports may be subject to change and may not reflect the current situation in The Gambia.