Gambia latest news about jammeh

Here are some of the latest news updates about Yahya Jammeh, the former President of The Gambia:

Recent Developments:

  1. Extradition to Senegal: In June 2021, The Gambia's government announced that it had agreed to extradite Jammeh to Senegal to face trial for crimes committed during his rule. Jammeh had fled to Equatorial Guinea in 2017 after losing the presidential election.
  2. Trial in Senegal: In July 2021, Jammeh was transferred to Senegal to face trial for crimes including murder, torture, and forced disappearances. The trial is ongoing.
  3. Gambian Government's Efforts: The Gambian government has been working to bring Jammeh to justice for human rights abuses and corruption during his 22-year rule. In 2020, the government launched a commission of inquiry to investigate Jammeh's regime and identify those responsible for human rights abuses.

Recent News Articles:

  1. The Guardian: "Yahya Jammeh: Gambia agrees to extradite former president to Senegal" (June 2021)
  2. Al Jazeera: "Gambia's Jammeh to face trial in Senegal for human rights abuses" (July 2021)
  3. BBC News: "Gambia's ex-leader Yahya Jammeh to face trial in Senegal" (July 2021)
  4. The New York Times: "Gambia's Government Seeks to Bring Ex-Leader to Justice" (February 2020)


Yahya Jammeh was the President of The Gambia from 1994 to 2017. During his rule, he was known for his authoritarianism, human rights abuses, and corruption. He lost the 2016 presidential election to Adama Barrow, but refused to step down, leading to a political crisis. Jammeh eventually fled the country in 2017, and Barrow was inaugurated as the new President.

I hope this information is helpful!